Here, at Vibrant Doors, we understand how hard it can be to decorate your home; from the lighting to the different style rugs, you can get yourself into a right pickle. Finding styles that you like is the easiest part – believe it or not – and implementing that style into your home is probably one of the hardest.
We understand the challenges you’re facing as, unsurprisingly, we’ve been there too; which is why we’ve put together an easy to follow interactive guide to interior design around the world. From the bright and vibrant Mexican interior to the neutral and calming Italian interior your home can be created just the way you like it.
Why not go for a Japanese interior? Include items like low tables and chairs, partitions and bamboo mats. Alternatively you could go for the Kenyan interior and include items such as, wooden tribal masks, elephant carvings and earthy vases; after all, the world is your oyster.
To navigate around the infographic you can either scroll up or down with the scroller on your mouse or you can click on the places you’d like to visit at the bottom of the screen. Once you’ve navigated to the desired interior design page you can then hover over the ‘+’ to read into how you can get the look.
On the interior design screen you’ll see an arrow pointing right; by clicking on this arrow you will be diverted to another page; this page has the colour palette for that desired design.  Each interior design screen has its own colour palette section and just so you know how to use the colours to get the design right. To get the exact colours that we’ve shown in this interactive infographic we have included a link at the bottom that directs you to Adobe Kuler. You are welcome!
To get the best interior design inspirations from around the world then take a journey through our interactive infographic, here.